What would America have done if the hijackers on 9/11 were Jewish Americans?

Somia, Faculty of Commerce, Al Azhar University


  1. That is a good question but I find it difficult to answer because it never happened that way.
    Even so, I speculate that Israel and the U.S. would have worked together to find the perpetrators of this heinous but hypothetical crime...in the same way that the US, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and many other governments worked together to bring Bin Laden to justice.
    Thanks for the question but unfortunately
    September 11, 2001 could only ever have happened.... exactly as it did happen.

  2. Anonymous17:08

    I think there could be serious problems between Israel/America as a result.

    However, as a Christian, I am required to "love my enemies." The American response to 9/11 I think shows that Christianity doesn't always win out here.

    Tara Bates
    Monterey, CA

  3. My honest response is that there would be heavy, anger, shame and ridicule toward the perpetrators, but as INDIVIDUALS and not as a people in the collective sense. This is the basic difference between whether Muslims or Jews carried out the attacks, in my opinion. When extremists who happened to be Muslim acted on 9/11, the burden of proof was unfairly placed on ALL Muslims to defend themselves.

  4. Sumyia Yusuf16:25

    Thanks very much for your answers.

    I asked this question because i want to show and demonstrate that we should look at this kind of attacks on a different way. We should deal with those hijackers INDIVIDUALLY. If they are Muslims and i am a Muslim why i should be treated like a criminal (because there are several attacks that happened in USA against Muslims who live there) and the rule applies to all.
